Companies with the most secure phones in the world - BoardCode

Companies with the most secure phones in the world

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Android is one of the most operating systems  affected by hacking attacks due to its huge position in the market. 
For this reason, Google is constantly working on popular security patches, which are provided to manufacturers every month, and they fix the major security issues discovered by Google's security team, or, that other cyber security yr companies have reported.
Companies with the most secure phones in the world

However, Google launches these security patches monthly but the truth is the manufacturers are delaying their launches on their phones, as some take so long to update their devices with security patches, some even take more or less than 3 months to launch a security update.

Therefore, a German company specializing in cyber security called SRLabs conducted a study to find out how often manufacturers update  their phones with the latest security patches, and this study resulted in good and bad news.

The good thing that was discovered  is that   the Android manufacturers are paying  attention to security updates more and more , although it is the high-end and mid-range devices that are frequently updated.

The studrespectithalso that Google, Nokia and Sony are the manufacturers that update security patches faster, in fact, they launch these patches in practice the same day they were announced.
SRLabs most secure android phones in the world

Another striking detail is that in fourth, fifth and sixth place are for Huawei, LG and Samsung respectively, which take an average of 6, 12 and 14 days to launch security patches after they  announced the bugs.
On the other hand, the slowest manufacturers that release security updates for their phones are Xiaomi, HTC and Vivo, although the study also shows that both Vivo and Xiaomi improved the number of patches released between 2018 and 2019.

SRLabs  mentioned that manufacturers like Samsung are updating computers with the most popular versions of Android faster, while companies like Motorola tend to release security patches faster in the latest OS versions.

The bad thing is that the study confirms that the older the phones, the longer it takes to update their security updates.

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